Get Sheet Names using Power Query Excel for mac and windows
One Click Refresh Dynamic Solution to Get Sheet Names using Power Query Excel for mac and windows
One Click Refresh Dynamic Solution to Get Sheet Names using Power Query Excel for mac and windows
This simple Excel formula for mac and windows allows us to get the file path/location, name & sheet name of active workbook. Simply copy the formula and paste into your workbook.
With this VBA code, we can easily unhide all the sheet which are hidden in the active workbook.
Steps Recorder is sometimes referred to as Problem Steps Recorder or PSR. Steps Recorder is a FREE application available for all Windows users that allow to screen capture & annotate steps.
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Dictate is one of the Microsoft Office Intelligent Services, that will type as you speak. To use this feature you must have Office365 Subscription
Use Power Query (Get & Transform Data) to connect the Excel File from OneDrive Location.
Copy this simplest VBA Code which allow you to combine all the sheets into one single sheet.