Microsoft 365 holds a great subscription deal. When anyone asks me which is the best out there, I strongly recommend them to buy by Microsoft 365 Family.
For detail comparison check the link here & my video why I recommend the same.
- Log in to
- Go to the right corner profile icon.
- Click on the image & select My Microsoft account
If you like to skip the above steps then go to Log in that will directly land into your account settings page
- Click on “Service & Subscriptions” or “Manage Microsoft 365 Family”
- Click on Sharing > Start Sharing
- Select the type of invite Email or just by generating Link
- Enter the email address of the person you wish to invite.
- You will be asked to add the email to “Microsoft family” (it is your personal choice)
You will find all the emails & link sharing the Microsoft 365 Subscription along with their status
Person you have send the invite like will receive email invitation to accept the subscription.
Once they accept invitation it will group under, You’re sharing with.
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