How to filter max or min value in Power Query using UI Method “TIES” in Excel & Power BI

I have been writing this series of filtering the values in Power Query so in this post we will see how to handle the TIES in your data set.

Check these previous blog post

FILTER max or min value in Power Query for Excel & Power BI (Using M Code)

FILTER max or min value in Power Query using UI Method in Excel & Power BI – “NO TIES”

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Below is our data set

Sample Data Set with ties
Sample Data Set with Ties

Filtering the Max Value with TIES

Load data into the Power Query Editor for Excel or Power BI.

Data Loaded into Power Query Editor for Excel
Data Loaded into Power Query Editor for Excel

Change Data Type to Number > (Decimal, Whole Number, Currency) depending on the data set.

Min and Max Power Query No Ties - 01
Selecting the correct data type for the column

⚠️ Note: The data type should not be text data type.

Select the Value Column i.e. [Sales Amount] > Go to Home > Group By

The important thing to note here in the group by “Sales Amount” value column should be in the grouping category and New Name Column Name as DATA (or whatever you like) > Operation > All Row

Select the Sales Amount column and sort the data in descending order to get the Max value and in ascending order to get the Min value. Depending on steps remain the same.

Min and Max Power Query No Ties - 04

Go to Home >Keep Top Rows > 1

Min and Max Power Query No Ties - 05

By this we will get our max value without Ties

Delete the Sales Amount Column > Expand DATA Column

Min and Max Power Query No Ties - 06

We go the result in max values with no ties.

My personal preference is to use the M code as shown in my earlier blog post which eliminates the step, but there is no harm in using the UI Method.

⚠️ Sorting of data is a very important step:

When you sort the data in descending (Largest to Smallest) then you shall Keep Top Rows 1 for max value and Keep Bottom Rows for min value.

When you sort the data in ascending (Smallest to Largest) then you shall Keep the Top Rows 1 for the min and Keep the Bottom Rows for the max value.

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