How To Enable Missing Microsoft Teams Meeting Icon In Outlook Calendar

Microsoft Teams missing icon in outlook calendar

When we download Microsoft Teams, we might run into an issue where we are unable to find the Teams icon in the outlook calendar.

Even after installing the Microsoft Teams or restarting your system.

So here are the steps to fix the issue.

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Go to File and then Options.
Outlook Option Image

You should see the Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in for Microsoft Office. If the same is not available, then download the Microsoft Teams.

  1. Under Options select as COM Add-ins in manage and it should be and then select Go…
  2. In the COM Add-ins window if the icon is checked for Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in for Microsoft Office uncheck the same and close the Outlook application.
Outlook COM Add-ins screenshot to enable Microsoft Teams
  1. Repeat from step one ( Open the outlook application again. Go to File > Option > Add-ins > Manage > COM Add-ins )
  2. Check the box next to Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in for Microsoft Office.
  3. Click OK and restart Outlook.

Awesome and now you should see the Microsoft Team Icon in Outlook Calendar

Outlook Meeting Calendar Screenshot with Microsoft Teams Meeting Icon Enable

For more details about the add-in feel free to check out the below link

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