How to adjust the image size in Excel for header or footer?

When we insert image in the header or footer it happens that image is stretched outside the range of the document size print area. Here are the simple step to resize the image in Excel for windows.

What is Power Automate and how to use it?

As the world is getting globally digitalize, our daily life challenges increasing as well. To keep our performance at the peak level we need to hit our target on time.

Often time we have a task that is repetitive e.g. follow-up for approvals, reminders for deliveries, updating records, processing invoices, etc. If you agree with me, such repetitive tasks consume a lot of time and it somewhere impacting our performance area.

How to CHANGE an organization on Microsoft Teams?

Switch the organization on Microsoft Teams (macOS & Windows) Login to Microsoft Teams app In the right top corner, you will see an arrow pointing downwards Click on the arrow Select the organization to login Switch the organization on Microsoft Teams (any mobile device) Login to Microsoft Teams app In the left corner on the…