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Faraz Shaikh

Hi, I am Faraz Shaikh, Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional), Microsoft Certified Trainer, Microsoft Office  Master, Certified Excel Expert, Microsoft Innovative Educator. I run this site ExcelExiting.com , YouTube Channel & Facebook Page

Mission : To help the community by providing the easiest exciting solutions with Microsoft Applications which can make their daily task Quicker & Easier.

Passion : My passion is to sharing knowledge & gain on Microsoft Office Applications.

Microsoft Certified Trainer
Microsoft Office Master
Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Expert
Microsoft Office Specialist Word Expert
Microsoft Office Specialist PowerPoint
Microsoft Office Specialist Outlook

What do we do at Excel Exciting?

Well ” We Make Excel Exciting “ the site launch on 02.02.2020 and I started writing blogs related to Microsoft Office Application Tips & Trick. Also, we provide Training & Consulting Services. Special thing about Excel Exciting we have forums which allow you connect with community where you are free to ask your question.

Special Thanks

Behind every success story, there is always teamwork & support. I couldn’t have able to achieve this without the support of my Family & Friends. They also believe in me and always been there whenever needed.


Love from the community


Jörgen Lingvide, Director Procurement and Supply Chain

I worked with Faraz at Chemanol and Faraz is a very positive person with great leadershipstyle, highly analytical and a master in Excel. He always takes time to support, works very efficient and like complex problems.


Abhishek Bhandari, Chief Financial Officer

Faraz is a hardworking person with expertise in MS Office which helps him to perform his job with high efficiency. He is also good in building relationship with people.


Niama Elqbaili

He’s so professional, very kind and indeed he’s the “Excel master”. keep going Fshaikh , we need ppl like you ! 

Davide Macrelli

PERFECT! He contact me for a macro-issue and in less that 5 minutes everything has been fixed!!! 5 STARS😎😁


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